Mountain biking, learning French and teaching his kids to ski in the Alps

Brett Roantree


Brett brings over fifteen years’ experience in urban design, planning and project management. He founded Place Logic with the aim of raising the profile of design in Canberra to facilitate the delivery of urban outcomes that were approvable, practical but most of all, human focused.

Brett has been involved in a multitude of significant projects including roles in concept development, master planning, detail design and approvals management. His projects include design and approval of mixed use developments, commercial centres, concept development and master planning for major new communities. With experience in both ACT and NSW, Brett offers services across residential, industrial and commercial sectors, with an emphasis on innovative approaches to design and ensuring the design vision is delivered through planning and design controls.

Prior to founding Place Logic, his experience includes consulting with professional property consulting firms and in-house urban design and planning with Lend Lease. This resulted in a strong respect for project feasibility and approvability as a design consideration.

Brett holds a Master of Urban Development and Design from the University of New South Wales and a Bachelor of Design (Hons) from the University of Technology, Sydney. Brett is also a member of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA).