Googong Design Review & Coordination
House design review and coordination for an award-winning masterplanned community, ensuring high quality streetscape outcomes underpinned by innovation and sustainability.
Since 2019, Place Logic has been engaged to provide design review and coordination services for residential single dwellings in Googong, a new self-contained township 25 minutes away from Canberra's CBD.
Place Logic's role involves the processes of assessing submissions against Googong's Design Guidelines to achieve the best possible design outcomes which inform the architectural built form, landscape design and quality of the streetscapes.
These outcomes contribute to a greater project vision that fosters vibrant streetscapes, a good sense of community and a sustainable way of living for its current population of approximately 7000.
Our Design Team provides expert advice and guidance to designers, builders and home-owners to help realise the vision for their home whilst achieving compliance with the Design Guidelines and relevant planning controls.
Place Logic's Design team has also been engaged to provide consultation and imagery inputs for the Design Guidelines for Googong's newest neighbourhood, Googong West.
Learn more about Googong's Design Guidelines here.